Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why I Want a Kindle Fire for Christmas - Giveaway Contest

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  1. I want a Kindle Fire for Christmas because its what all the cool kids (over 40) will have under thier tree and I always wanted to be with the kool krowd who have a Kiidle Fire! KFire. The real TouchTablet!
    Mario Cohen

  2. I would love to have a Kindle Fire for Christmas, because my son would so love one & by the looks of it we will not be buying gifts this year & I hate the thought that I would not be able to give him a gift 2 yrs in a row. Lost my job and can't find another. I'm so sure it would make his day
    Thank you,

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  4. There are so many reasons I would like a Kindle Fire for Christmas but here are my top 3. First, I recently found out that my wife is expecting our first child and I must admit that I feel a little unprepared. I have a list of books that I would love to read and being the techie that I am the Kindle Fire would be the prefect device for that. I have also been looking into baby monitors (which are mostly expensive with low quality displays) and I think the best solution will be an IP camera that is viewable via an Android app that will be available on the Kindle Fire. Also, on the new baby front my wife and I would be able to read interactive children books to our new born using the Kindle Fire.

    Second, I have given myself a goal to read at least 10 non-fiction books a year as part of general personal development but quite often finding the books I would like to read at the library is difficult. Buying books gets expensive so having a Kindle Fire would make this goal more achievable. Not to mention that reading digital books is much better for the environment.

    Lastly, I would like to use a Kindle Fire to blog more often and give back to the tech community. I have enjoyed many blogs for years and I have just recently started my own blog to share tips, tricks, and articles with my followers. I think the Kindle Fire would allow me to post content more often. Who knows… maybe I would start blogging about fatherhood!

  5. My wife and I have been waiting for a Kindle Fire for many years. We have been to all kinds of doctors and specialists in order to make a Kindle Fire part of our family. We've tried everything with no luck. We were about to give up when we hear Cord Cutters could make our dreams come true. Being a devoted cord cutting couple, we would provide a caring and loving home to a Kindle Fire.

  6. I would love the kindle fire because I for one hate cords, and the thought of having something very comparable to the I pad is very appealing for less than half the price.

  7. I am cutting the (cable) cord next week. Tomorrow in fact. We have been discussing it for about 6 months and finally got a Roku 2xs. We're trying it out this weekend and really love it. Why didn't we do it sooner? *kicking myself*

    So, this new Kindle Fire sounds like the next step in the cord cutting process. Wow! Boy I sure would love one of those for Christmas. Why?

    1. My youngest is learning how to read. Why not help her learn to read and use technology at the same time?

    2. My oldest LOVES to read! She's 8 and is reading through the Harry Potter series. The Kindle Fire is a perfect tool to help her read more and get her full 20 minutes in daily that her teacher requires.

    3. The Kindle Fire is perfect for us cord cutting newbies. It would help take most of the fear out of calling the cable big guys to cancel out our subscription. The Kindle Fire is like another baby step.

    Thank you for your blog! I just found it today and will spend much of the day reading past posts. Wouldn't that be fun to do on a Kindle Fire?

  8. I would like a Kindle Fire because my husband keeps taking my iPad.

  9. I would love a kindle fire for Christmas so that my kids could read digital books for children!

  10. I want a Kindle Fire for Christmas, just like everyone else posting here. I'm not going to say I want it more or the most. Why do I want it? I don't have a son or daughter who loves to read and will benefit from this, I don't want it just to have and brag to my friends. I want it because I myself love to read. I read when I get home from school. I read past midnight even though I'm supposed to go to bed at 10. I love books, and not getting this Kindle wouldn't end my compassion for reading. It would just be a lot easier than lugging a 500 page book around every day in my bag. Don't you think? That's all I can really say. I'm a book worm through and through, though I don't like to describe myself as such. That's why I want it. It's simple really. Just a fact of my life, the air to breathing, the smile of laughter. Reading will stick with me forever. It's got it's hooks in me deep and I don't want them out. It's stuck to me as much as I'm stuck to it. That's really all I can say.

  11. As an Amazon fanboy, it's hard to not want one. :)

  12. I have heard so many good things about this version of Kindle. I don;t have a kindle right now and I'd love to have this one.

  13. well i cant afford one but i read books all the time i would enjoy it because i do not want a ipad becuase apple is far to expensive for a full time college student i can barely afford anything nice because of the price of college these day my family has kindle's and they love them i would really enjoy one to help out for school and entertainment too

  14. I'd love a Kindle Fire because it's a great alternative to an iPad, and has many of the same great features! It's an amazing device and it would make a great Christmas gift for my girlfriend's mom, she just got over her rectal cancer and it would make her extremely happy.

  15. As a verteran "cord-cutter" I truly know the power of a good book! I would LOVE to get a Kindle Fire for the Holidays for so many reasons.
    The last few years have taken a toll on all of us, especially financially, and the truth is, between my daughter and my home and bills, it can be hard to keep up. I haven't had Cable TV in years, and my wall of books can't get any higher. Its tough to reach the top as it is now! A Kindle Fire would be more loved in my home than you can imagine. MY 6 year old daughter, who loves technology, has been learning to read, and I worry about her having to carry too many books to school. A Kindle Fire would help take the weight off her back, and off my mind, all while also helping her to LEARN how to read more and more.... The Kindle Fire is amazing and my Holiday Season would be the bees knees if I were to receive one. It would really truly be a miracle.
    Thanks for this opportunity, Cord-Cutters!

  16. I want a Kindle Fire for Christmas because I am a mother of two and when I can, I enjoy every bit of alone time and with a Kindle Fire, it would make it more enjoyable. I also love reading to my kids so it would be the perfect way to read all the books they love.

  17. I wan't an Fire because it is a new type of tablet, bridging the gap between the cloud and hardware closer together.
    Secondly I love to read, although most of what is only black and white, I also love to read National Geographic which is nothing without color.
    Third the Fire will make it easier for me to Cut the Cord, I have always hated the prices for cable and commercials, the Fire being a content device, it will allow me and my family to watch Netflix movies on the go.
    Finally, my family has fallen on hard times, we are on a fixed income for the time being, we can't afford to by ourselves luxury items.

  18. I want a kindle fire
    By rey

    I want a kindle fire not for me, but for my sister who's been doing perfect in school and she's gonna get honor roll and I'd love to give it to her for Xmas.

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  20. I am 20 years old. Ever since I was a child I have been reading I learned how to read before I learned how to talk.Everytime I went to the library my mom used to put a limit on how many books I could check out because she never believed that I could read so many books in such a short time. If it had print on it I would read it no matter what it was.
    By the time I was in middle school I was reading at a College level. Whatever money I could scrap together went to the book store to buy books. I am well liked and very sociable, but I had no problem spending entire weekends in the bed reading 4 or 5 books sometimes I couldnt sleep until I finished the book.
    When I turned 18 I wanted to travel see different parts of the world so I left home with a backpack and a duffelbag. except for a few precious books like How to Kill A Mockingbird, Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea I wasnt able to bring my collection with me. I have my laptop with me and I can download eboooks but it isnt the same as having something resting in your hand wherever you are.
    I am still travelling every chance I get depending on how much I can save up, knowing more people and cultures. I would love to rebuild my book collection, but I know that will not happen anytime soon. But I would love to have all of my classic favorites and be able to discover new books even when I am out of the country. December isnt just Christmas it is also my birthday on the 8th. Please I would really love to have this

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  22. I remember reading an Economist article from a few years back. It was about the "new nomads." The article used a wonderful sequence of metaphors to describe evolutions in technology. First are the astronauts. These are the people who are tethered to their technology. I picture my tower system, monitor, and printer. I cannot take that behemoth to the coffee shop when I need to use it. Next are the hermit crabs. They are a bit more portable. I can take my laptop from my office to my home, but I'm still somewhat limited by networks, cables, and cords. Finally are the nomads. Travelers no longer need large briefcases, wires, etc. Instead, one just needs a pda or tablet to navigate life and work.

    I hope to soon leap into this Bedouin-esque existence, and a Kindle fire seems like a great way to start. It doesn't have the pricetag of the iPad, the monthly fees of the droid phone, or the uncertainty of lesser known tablets. It is a disruptive innovator that does what I'd need it to do (internet, email, apps, and, of course, reading!) without the price barrier of the iPad. It is a low-risk entry into a wireless/cordless new world. I'm happy to have found your blog and hope that it starts my path towards this new nomadic life.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I love to read, and often am in between 5 or 6 different books (not to mention magazines, recipes, newspapers, etc.). I have 4 kids and work nights, so my routine often involves stuffing these sundry items into my tote bag. I am a bit tired of lugging around this heavy weight, and a kindle fire seems like a good way to lighten my load. Not to mention, I've never heard of an LL Bean tote that allows you to check your email...

  25. I'm trying to start a hands on tech review blog. My only problem is that technology is expensive and I cant afford everything I want to put on it. Because of that I have been trading what I have at home for tablets and such, reviewing them, then trading them. So I never really get a long term tablet to call my own. The kindle fire would not only contribute to my up and coming blog, but it would be a tablet I can call my own.

  26. I'm 16 years old and have an income just above nothing. But this isn't about me; i'd like to get my dad a kindle fire to thank him for working tirelessley for the benefit of my family and myself. He works all day without asking much in return, just for us to study and do well in school. It would be really cool to get him something this christmas.

  27. There is a precious little girl in my life named Paris who's 8 and has a few challenges reading(dyslexia being one), though is learning to love it. Dad works so many hours in a commission paying job and has little time, so the ability to go to the library when she wants is tough and money is really tight. She has asked for a laptop and an mp3 player.......did I mention she loves music and singing is a passion! She has a heart of gold and so much potential.... A Kindle Fire would give her the access to books enabling her to thrive, music to fuel her passion and so much more....I'd love to see her eyes light up this Christmas with an unexpected gift like this, could you make my wish for her come true????

    Thank you so much....

  28. I guess that I don't really want the kindle myself. I mean I would like to win it, but so I can give it to my girl. It always seems that she is left holding the short end of the stick, in her family everyone is before her. Her brother, her aunt, even his girl seems to be more welcomed than she is. I see this time and time again at holidays and birthdays. I want so much to give this to her and I had started to say up for it. Recently my mom was robbed and had all her check taken, so any money I had was given to her as well as what ever I had from my disablity check. I will get her a stuffed christmas bear I get her every year and I know that she will love it because that is the type of girl she is. Never asks for anything. I would just like for once to be able to make her holiday wishes come true.

    Thank you.


  29. I am not the person anyone comes to about the latest innovative gadgets, but for a person who still goes to the library for books and pay for bills by mail, this would be a gift that can inspire me to take a bigger leap into the technological world of the 21st century.

    I would still write letters and consult the various volumes of Encyclopedia Brittanica on the bookself from time to time out of sentimentality, but for the practical me, a Kindle may let me again say "I don't know how I lived before I got this"--something I have not uttered since getting my first email account twelve years ago.

    Thanks for you consideration and happy holidays,


  30. I want to watch my amazon prime videos on it! :) My roku is nice but it's in the living room. Right now I watch TV elsewhere in the house on my smartphone but it's kind of hard on the eyes with its teeny little screen. I also read a lot of books from the READS library system so the new support for those books will be a great little bonus. And, well, I'm kind of addicted to Words with Friends and it has an app. Is it tacky to hold up my hand and cry, "pick me, pick me, pick me?" 'Cause I really want you to. :)

  31. I want a Kindle Fire because my sister in law keeps bragging about how cool her Nook is.

  32. Pretty much wanted a Fire since they announced it...Played with a friend's the other night and now I am hooked, especially once I saw he had Google Music app running on there. (I was worried Amzn would block it or something.) Android+Amazon=Awesome.

  33. I've always had a strange relationship with technology. I've gone from shunning it outright to trying to keep up with and accumulating all types of gadgets and apps.

    Having too much of gizmos fostered confusion and too less made my life harder. I’ve come to realize I need to start looking for an efficient, consolidated piece of technology that suits my specific needs. I need something that's intuitive, offers reliable software for viewing books and movies, has Web services, and most of all, keep me sane.

    The Kindle Fire is just the thing that will do the trick. It'll be the gift that keeps on giving.

    Thanks and Happy Holidays!


  34. I want a Fire because I need help in funding my tech addiction. Also, it looks really cool. And I like free stuff,especially when it's useful. Is that enough selfish honesty.

    Being ale to give Dad a device that will double as a great ereader would score me brownie points with him.

  35. A Very Kindle Christmas

    I want a Kindle Fire for Christmas more than I can say,
    Please place it under my Christmas tree on this coming Christmas Day,
    With my Kindle Fire I’ll be reading more books both old and new,
    I’ll be adding thousands of the popular apps like Netflix and Hulu,
    I want a Kindle Fire for Christmas of this I am quite sure,
    The Fire has the features I want like split browser architecture!

  36. Excellent comments all. Coming down to the wire...

    Greg @ cordcutterguide

  37. I would like a Kindle Fire for Christmas not for myself but to make as a gift for my girlfriend. I'm a full-time 3rd-year college student also working part-time, barely able to make ends meet. I don't really have the money this year for many Christmas gifts this year, and I want at least one thing to make her Christmas special. I know, just gifts don't make Christmas special, but I would really like to get something that would be totally unexpected and blow her away. Moreover, Christmas will actually be our 1 year anniversary, and I just really want to get her something I know she'll love and use. She's a frequent Amazon shopper and Prime member, so I know she would love such a gift.

  38. Congratulations to Cjack Details here:
